Miko Fleming, BMC ’24

My Experience at The Print Center

Semester: Spring 2024

Praxis Course: HART B420 Museum Studies Fieldwork Seminar

Faculty Advisor: Matthew Feliz

Field Site: The Print Center

Field Supervisor: Mikaela Hawk

Praxis Poster: 



Further Context:

For my Praxis Fieldwork Seminar, I underwent an internship at The Print Center — a historic non-profit art gallery nestled in a narrow cobbled street in Rittenhouse, Philadelphia. The Print Center, formerly known as The Print Club, was founded in 1915 as the first institution in the country dedicated solely to the medium of printmaking before expanding to include photography in the 1960s. Since its founding, The Print Center has sought to provide a space for art and artists typically underrepresented in the art world. Today, The Print Center continues to seek ways to support artists who push the boundaries of photography and printmaking through its
exhibitions, competitions, publications, and educational programs.

What I find most impressive about The Print Center, is its tireless contributions to an international community of printmakers and photographers, as well as creating opportunities for people in Philadelphia to engage with contemporary art and gain a deeper understanding of these
mediums. One such opportunity I have benefited from as a student, is the internship program itself. The Print Center hosts interns in revolving programs year-round, providing valuable and diverse experiences in arts administration and gallery management for young people interested in
the field who are based in and around Philadelphia. I am very grateful to have been able to take part in this internship program, I believe it to have been a genuinely valuable learning experience, lending me skills I will be able to take with me to future opportunities.